Monthly Archives: September 2015


My current read is Brene Browns, ” The Gifts of Imperfection”.  So many amazing nuggets of wisdom and insight in all of her work!

The thing that is standing out to me today is this sentence, “If we want to experience love and belonging, we must believe that we are worthy of love and belonging.”

She goes on to explain that in her research it seems that this is the one defining concept that separates people who feel loved and have a sense of belonging, versus those who do not.

So where does that leave you?  And how do we increase our sense of belonging and our ability to receive love? We are so good at giving … we have an innate challenge, chip on our shoulder almost, that says: you cant out love me.  And we are often trying to prove that by out loving, out giving those around us. What drives that compulsion?  Im afriad it is a fear of not being enough. A doubt in our own worthiness.

So how do we shift that balance?  Investment.  We value things and people we have emotionally and energetically (and financially) invested in, correct?  And often we put ourselves last, willing to take the leftovers after everyone has been served.  What if we flip that mindset?  What if we took care of the Mamas needs first?  Never to say we should become selfish or neglect the needs of our loved ones, but to say we need to make the list of our loved ones.  Our worthiness comes from the INSIDE.  The value we place on ourselves is the value others acknowledge.

Lets begin.  Together. Here and now.  You carve out time for soccer practice and birthday outings?  Then you can carve out time to meditate or practice yoga.  Lets start making routine investments in our own self worth account.

You ARE worthy.

You ARE enough.