Lifestyle transition

Where do you start?  Where do we begin to unravel where one stops and another begins?

Whether the transition is a break up, a child going away, a new career or something else the gap left by the newly missing pieces is a hole.  A hole that needs to be filled with something.  How do we take this opportunity to create a new lifestyle that incorporates things that are healthy for us, and allows us to create our new identity as well as feeling whole again.

This is a time for some soul searching. A time to discover what we have ignored for so long.  What goals and desires did we have that we forgot?  Do we still have those dreams and what new dreams have come to us?  Why haven’t we pursued them?

What habits fill our lives, take our time, money and energy keeping us from feeling that hole?  What is the self talk running on a continuous loop in our heads keeping us from making life affirming choices and building a better lifestyle?  Lack of self trust and self love sabotage and cripple us.

When we have put our goals, needs and desires on the back burner because we believed some one else was more deserving than ourselves, we reiterate to our minds and hearts: we are not worthy.  Then our choices and decisions are processed through that filter.

Its time to change the filter.

Its time to put ourselves first…. not to be selfish and narcissistic, but to treat ourselves like someone we love.  We need to be healthy and fulfilled in order to give soul nourishing love to others.  We must begin with ourselves.  We are worthy.  We are loved.  We are enough.    It’s time to revolutionize our mindset with positive love and nourishment for ourselves.

Where do we start?   With self care.

Self care in emotional, mental and physical ways.  For myself, that begins today on my yoga mat.  Time to strengthen and honor my body; quiet the mind; soothe the emotions.  I invite you to journey with me.  You are worthy of time and nourishment.  I invite you to be good to yourself today.


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